Our principal actions are in Lima:

  • My Lady Friend Programs of Microcréditos
    They require program guided to supply those who with financing to children and medium businessmen, consolidating his cost-reducing activities. 
    The program integrates the credit with actions of capacitation, technical assistance and organization.
    Financial products:
    Individual credit
    It is a tool guided to decide of financing to children and medium businessmen, that they begin to operate and they require to consolidate his cost-reducing activities. 
    Communal benches
    Financial product that groups between 10 30 women and men of the microcomputer and little company, that they join up to get a line from credit, the same that they distribute it between each member and at the same time they count with a system of saving that allows repotenciar his cost-reducing activity or the investment in family actions. 
    Solidary group
    Financial product that groups between 3 7 women and men of the microcomputer and little company that they receive a line of credit for the investment in his business and to distribute it between his members and to recover it internally. 
    Financial product once the construction was  destined and or improve the services of sanitation and water supply within the house.
  • Premature development.- orientated program to maximize the growth potential and integral development in the tender age of life out of every little boy and girl considering them.
  • Nutrition and health.nutricional for the acquisition of practices and styles of life healthy integrates actions of education, consultantship and vigilance.
  • Prevention of the family violence.- develop actions of capacitation, consultantship and communal vigilance for prevention, identification and tracking of cases of family violence.
  • Basic sanitation.- intradomiciliario develops actions of installation and improvement of systems of water supply and treatment of residual level waters, you obey whose technology with standards of national and international quality.

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